
2021年9月21日—Kevinng444:B22021-09-2114:51.HOTtk法則第一條不是對着頭1槍爆頭的嗎?你把他擊倒就有三角標記,搞不好再連射中1槍就要被ban啦。,2019年3月24日—2019-03-2618:27.平常也沒在TK的,結果A一次人質就被ban,有時候遇到有人刻意TK隊友,一隻先放血,然後打死另一隻,但是在放血那隻掛掉後TK的人卻沒被 ...,2023年6月12日—Teammateswillintentionallystandingoyoinordertosetofftkban.Eatmeubi18probablyhasdonethi...


2021年9月21日 — Kevinng444: B2 2021-09-21 14:51. HOTtk法則第一條不是對着頭1槍爆頭的嗎?你把他擊倒就有三角標記,搞不好再連射中1槍就要被ban啦。


2019年3月24日 — 2019-03-26 18:27. 平常也沒在TK的,結果A一次人質就被ban,有時候遇到有人刻意TK隊友,一隻先放血,然後打死另一隻,但是在放血那隻掛掉後TK的人卻沒被 ...

goyo tk ban - Live Server - R6Fix

2023年6月12日 — Teammates will intentionally stand in goyo in order to set off tk ban. Eatmeubi18 probably has done this to many people to get them banned.

Instant Ban for TK'ing :

Instant Ban for TK'ing. The title is pretty self-explanatory. TK'ing ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ are a serious problem, and ruins the game for literally everyone, and ...

R6 TK ban not fair :

to get banned for teamkilling, you need to kill at least 2 people (3 in ranked) or 2 times the same guy. Some exceptions exist, like killing someone in the ...

How does tk'ing work?

2021年9月9日 — Basically if you attempt to blow multiple teammates up it will kick/30 min ban right away. Typically Ubi allows you to get 1 free TK and if the ...

Got a TK ban cause of a couple of griefers

2023年11月28日 — Griefing is so overpowered ever since they changed the TK ban system and the vote to kick system. Anyone can essentially ruin the game now.


我們會調查所有玩家不當行為的報告,如果發現他們違反了行為準則,可能會施行暫時封鎖的處分。 我們的開發者部落格文章包含更多關於如何管理不當行為的資訊。 在遊戲進行中 ...

Temporary ban in Rainbow Six Siege

We investigate all reports of player misconduct, and may apply a temporary ban if we find that they have violated the Code of Conduct. For more information on ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
